Purity & Anti-Pornography
One of the hard realities of our modern world is the widespread and pervasive nature of pornography.
Through the internet and social media, it is literally everywhere. Often times people stumble upon it when they are young and it can lead to years of shame and silent struggle. Due to the nature of this struggle people feel like they have to fight this alone. Parents often feel ill equipped to guide and protect their children. This is a resource guide to help men and women who are struggling with this sin, for those hoping to better protect themselves and their families, and for those simply hoping to learn more.
I want to end on a great encouragement- if this is a struggle don’t give up hope! Know the Lord’s love, his mercy, and his desire to help set you free. Never be afraid to bring this to confession or simply come and talk about it. There is hope and you don’t need to fight it alone!
Catholic Websites
www.integrityrestored.com Integrity Restored was designed to help men, their wives, and their families break free from the bonds of porn.
http://integrityrestored.com/?s=podcast – This is a podcast put out by integrity resotred with very helpful talks and interviews on a range of topics around purity and overcoming pornography.
http://www.theporneffect.com/ The Porn Effect speaks to men and women about the beauty of sex, the problem of porn, and the healing which is possible.
http://fightthenewdrug.org/ – A website focused on bringing awareness to the affects of pornography and helping those struggling to overcome it.
https://reclaimsexualhealth.com/ – An online program that both educates and counsels a person actively working to overcome struggles with purity.
http://www.maritalhealing.com/conflicts/addictedspouse.php Institute for Marital Healing: strengthening marriages and families. Internet pornography and other addictions.
http://www.angelicwarfare.org/ The Angelic Warfare Confraternity is a supernatural fellowship of men and women bound to one another in love and dedicated to pursuing and promoting chastity together under the powerful patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Confraternity is an official apostolate of the Dominican Order.
http://www.fathersforgood.org/ffg/en/news/pornography/special.html An initiative for men by the Knights of Columbus. Learn how to beat the porn plague and protect your wife and children.
http://www.catholic.com/video/overcoming-pornography-addiction Catholic Answers chastity speaker discusses pornography addiction and how to overcome it.
http://chastitysf.com/ Chastity—In San Francisco Psychological healing in the Roman Catholic mystical tradition.
http://www.theologyofthebody.net/ Theology of the Body.net is dedicated to the promotion of Blessed John Paul II’s revolution and life-transforming message of hope that counteracts societal trends which urge us to view the body as an object of pleasure or a machine for manipulation.
Christian Websites
http://www.livebold.org/ Live Bold Magazine (online) is one of the fastest growing publications for men and men’s ministry.
https://www.joinfortify.com/ -Fortify is a great website supporting men and women who are overcoming a struggle with pornography.
http://www.purehope.net pureHOPE endeavors to provide Christian solutions in a sexualized culture, leading to a world free of sexual exploitation and brokenness.
http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/ Setting Captives Free is a non-denominational ministry which teaches the biblical principles of freedom in Jesus Christ. Our Christ centered courses are free of charge and help people escape impurity, over-eating, substance abuse, gambling, smoking and more.
http://www.thepinkcross.org/ Pink Cross Foundation is a faith-based IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to reaching out to adult industry workers offering emotional, financial and transitional support. We largely focus on reaching out to the adult film industry offering education and resources to victims of sex trafficking and violence in the workplace. Pink Cross Foundation also reaches out to those struggling with pornography addiction offering education and large doses of truth to recover.
http://beggarsdaughter.com/ Beggars Daughter is a Christian site run by Jessica Harris for and to women who struggle with pornography. She does much to expose the lie women feel that “they are the only one” and offers real help and resources for women
General Websites
http://www.arlingtondiocese.org/bishop/about_boughtprice.php Diocese of Arlington (VA) Bought with a Price: Pornography and the Attack on the Living Temple of God, a Pastoral Letter by Bishop Paul S. Loverde.
http://nyfamilylife.org/chastity/truefreedom/ Archdiocese of New York
http://www.archomaha.org/pastoral/se/taskforce.html Archdiocese of Omaha (NE) Anti-Pornography Task Force (English and Spanish resources).
Secular Websites
http://www.no-porn.com/ Since 1997, No-Porn.com has helped men and women of all backgrounds recover from pornography addiction.
http://www.pornharms.com/ Pornography Harms is dedicated to providing the most accurate peer-reviewed research on the harm from pornography, along with relevant news, opinion and personal experience.
http://www.socialcostsofpornography.com/ The consultation on The Social Costs of Pornography assembled leading experts in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neurophysiology, philosophy, sociology, law, and political theory to present a rigorously argued overview of the problem of pornography in our society and to make recommendations. The primary purpose of the meeting was to examine the real nature of pornography in its moral and social consequences.
http://www.x3pure.com/ The primary objective of the X3Pure project is to enable a speedy and effective recovery for men, women, couples and parents dealing with Internet pornography and other sex-related addictions in the most confidential and professional manner possible.
Spanish Websites
http://es.catholic.net/busqueda/index.phtml?w=pornografia&s=2&and=1 Catholic.net. Este sitio contiene 463 artículos sobre la pornografía en español.
http://www.fathersforgood.org/ffg/es/index.html Padres para siempre. Una iniciativa de los Caballeros de Colón.
http://www.ofwcmedia.com/5-espanol Teología del Cuerpo. Recursos en español sobre las enseñanzas de Juan Pablo II.
http://www.unityrestored.com/ Unidad Restaurada. Restaurando la unidad personal e interpersonal de las personas afectadas por la pornografía.
Internet Filtering Tools & Media Safety
http://www.covenanteyes.com/ CovenantEyes helps you protect your family online. Learn how the Internet is used in your home.
https://www.netnanny.com/ – Net Nanny is another great resource for filtering the internet as it comes into your home. It has many great resources for families.
http://www.enough.org/ Enough is Enough has recently launched a new multi-media program, Internet Safety 101, to educate, equip and empower parents, educators and other caring adults with the knowledge and resources needed to effectively protect children from the dangers of online pornography, sexual predators, cyberbullies and threats relating to social networking, online gaming and mobile devices.
http://www.internetsafety.com/safe-eyes-parental-control-software.php Safe Eyes is Mac, PC, and iOS compatible software that protects your family from harmful content and other dangers on the Internet.
http://www.isafe.org/ i-SAFE is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and empowering youth (and others) to safely, responsibly, and productively use information and communications technologies.
http://www.familysafemedia.com/ Family Safe Media provides parental control solutions for families concerned about the profanity, promiscuity and violence in today’s media and entertainment.
http://www.cleanhotels.com/ CleanHotels.com is a network of lodging facilities that—based on some of the best research available—do not offer in-room, “adult” (pornographic) pay-per- view movies.
www.purehope.net/ pureHOPE seeks to assist parents in making an informed decision when purchasing filtering, blocking, or monitoring software for their family.
FBI Kids Safety – resource that teaches children about internet safety.
Self-Help Groups
12-Step Groups
http://www.saint-mike.org/csgsar/ Catholic Support Group for Sexual Addictions Recovery. Sexual addiction can lead to arrest and prison. Avoid that tragedy and find freedom from this compulsion. Join us in the quest for healing and purity
http://www.sa.org/ Sexaholics Anonymous International. Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. Our primary purpose is to stay sexually sober and help others to achieve sexual sobriety.
http://www.sanon.org/ S-Anon International. S-Anon is a program of recovery for those who have been affected by someone else’s sexual behavior.
Men’s Groups
http://www.thekingsmen.org/ Under Christ the King’s universal call to serve, we as The King’s Men pledge to unite and build up other men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation, and action.
http://www.promisekeepers.org/ Promise Keepers’ mission has been to ignite and unite men to become warriors who will change their world through living out the Seven Promises.
http://www.dads.org/ St. Joseph’s Covenant Keepers is an informal international network of Christian men, under the patronage of St. Joseph, dedicated to strengthening the family.
Women’s Groups
http://www.womenofgrace.com/en-us/default.aspx Women of Grace is a Catholic apostolate whose mission is to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity.
English Books
Be a Man! Becoming the Man God Created You to Be, by Fr. Larry Richards.
Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue, by Tim Gray and Curtis Martin.
Breaking Free: 12 Steps to Sexual Purity for Men, by Stephen Wood.
The Courage to be Chaste, by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.
Every Man’s Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time, Every Young Man’s Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, Preparing Your Son for Every Man’s Battle: Honest Conversations About Sexual Integrity, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker.
Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving, by Gregory K. Popcak, Ph.D.
Hope After Betrayal: Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage, by Meg Wilson.
In the Shadows of the N et: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior, Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction, by Patrick Carnes.
Pure Manhood, by Jason Evert.
Pure Womanhood, by Crystalina Evert.
Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II ‘s Sexual Revolution, by Christopher West.
Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tool for Recovery, by Kevin B.Skinner, Ph.D.
Spanish Books
Amor y Vida, por Patrick Reidy.
La belleza de la sexualidad, por Tomás Melendo.
Como sanar las heridas de la adicción sexual, por Dr. Mark Laaser.
Como usar las nuevas tecnologías en la familia, por Marianela Jaúdenes.
La moral sexual explicada a los jóvenes, por André Leonard.
¡Por favor, háblame del amor!, por Inés Pelissie du Rausas.
English Articles
http://www.flrl.org/PDFs_and_Docs/2009_Effects_of_Pornography.pdf“The Effects of Pornography on Individuals, Marriage, Family and Community,” by Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D. rnography,” by Russell https://www.scribd.com/doc/24163417/Racism-in-Pornography.
“The Weight of Smut,” by Mary Eberstadt http://www.firstthings.com/article/2010/05/the-weight-of-smut.
“Why More and More Women Are Using Po Tanith Carey http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2011/apr/07/women-addicted-internet-pornography.
http://www.livebold.org/archives/4029“Escaping Pornography (Part 1) – The Heart Battle,” by John R. Murphy
http://www.livebold.org/archives/4043“Escaping Pornography (Part 2) – The Root Cause,” by John R. Murphy
http://www.livebold.org/archives/4062“Escaping Pornography (Part 3): Addicted to Broken Promises,” by John R. Murphy
http://www.livebold.org/archives/4073“Escaping Pornography (Part 4): You Are Not Alone,” by John R. Murphy
http://www.alternet.org/media/139926?page=entire“Is Porn That Depicts the Subjugation of Hispanic Women Tied to the Rise of Hate Crimes Against Latinos?” by Alisa Valdes
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jul/11/more-women-lured-to-pornography- addiction/?page=all“More Women Lured to Pornography Addiction,” by Rachel B. Duke
http://home.vicnet.net.au/~beware/notfantasy.htm“Not a Fantasy: Racial Hatred and Misogyny in Pornography,” by Joyce Wu
http://www.reallove.net/articleshowa229.html?ID=70“Porn Among Friends Is No Laughing Matter,”
http://foryourmarriage.org/everymarriage/overcoming-obstacles/pornography/.“Pornography,” by Gerald Korson
http://old.usccb.org/prolife/programs/rlp/houck.pdf“Pornography: What’s the Problem?” by Mark J. Houck
“Racism in Pornography,” by Alice Mayall and Diana E. H.
Spanish Articles
“7 Pasos para Proteger a tu Familia de la Pornografía,”
http://www.familylifecenter.net/article.asp?artId=236• “Libérese de la pornografía,” por Steve Wood
http://old.usccb.org/prolife/programs/rlp/houcksp.pdf• “Pornografía: ¿Cuál es el problema?” por Mark J. Houck
“La pornografía: De la curiosidad, al placer y a la autodestrucción,” por Andrea Acosta http://elpreg.1upprelaunch.com/main.asp?SectionID=4&SubSectionID=64&ArticleID=34