Prayerful congratulations to these nine Diocese of Lansing seminarians who each just took a step closer to the sacred priesthood. The following young men were installed to Ministry of Acolyte at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on November 3, 2023:
• Jonathon Bokuniewicz of Saint Augustine, Howell;
• Brett Ivey of Saint Mary, Williamston;
• Randy Koenigsknecht of Most Holy Trinity, Fowler;
• Daniel LaCroix of Christ the King, Ann Arbor;
• Joshua Luttig of Most Holy Trinity, Fowler;
• Christian Salata of Christ the King, Ann Arbor.
Meanwhile, installed to Ministry of Lector at the same sacred ceremony were:
• Joshua Bauer of Saint Elizabeth, Tecumseh;
• Ryan Ferrigan of Saint Martha, Okemos;
• Peter Randolph of Christ the King, Ann Arbor.
The job of an Acolyte is primarily associated with assisting the priest and deacon during Holy Mass, however they will also bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and housebound as well as distributing Holy Communion during Mass. Acolytes may also, under the guidance of the priest, present instruction to the faithful. They may also expose the Blessed Sacrament.
Meanwhile, what’s a lector? A lector is appointed to read the Word of God in the liturgical assembly and, accordingly, reads the lesson from Sacred Scripture, except the Gospel, at Holy Mass and in other sacred celebrations.
Please keep these young men in your prayers. Saint Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, pray for them!
