The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus will be hosting Deacon Jim Nicholson with his one of a kind handcrafted ceramic tile Religious Icons and Religious Scenes on different sizes of ceramic tile. He will be at Sacred Heart Parish Hall on the weekend of April 22 & 23 following all the Masses. He will be selling his artwork and all proceeds will be divided equally between the Hudson Food Pantry and Fourth Degree Assembly. These will make great gifts for your First Communicants, Your Wife or Mother which are coming up shortly.
The Knights of Columbus will be holding an Exemplification of the First Three Degrees of the Order on April 23rd following the 8:00am Mass at Sacred Heart. Family members are encouraged to attend and witness this event. Members if you have not seen the new degree you are encouraged to attend and observe.
Mother's Day Breakfast
Sunday, May 14
Breakfast will be served between the 8:00 & 11:00am Masses.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Graduate's Breakfast
Sunday, May 21
Breakfast will be served between the 8:00 & 11:00am Masses.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus
Please call the Parish Office at 517-448-3811 to reserve your spot.