In our 2nd reading today, St. Paul tells the Christians in Corinth “mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.” But, given the polarized society we live in, how can we ever agree with each other and live in peace?
It seems everyone today wants to share their opinion, especially on social media. But differences of opinion will probably always be around. The problem is the opinions about what is good or bad. Because good and evil will never mix – and they determine what is right or wrong. Good and bad, right and wrong, are decided by our conscience, and
our conscience is formed by our faith. That makes our faith ground zero in divisions with others.
But, St Paul wasn’t talking about peace from division as we define it. He doesn’t care about political affiliations or cheering for different football teams. St Paul was talking about peace in our hearts that will heal the world if we focus our efforts on God. He was talking about being united in our faith through a virtuous and holy life. A life which respects
the human dignity of everyone. Because, when we are united in faith, we can enjoy the love and peace that God promises each of us.
We begin finding peace within ourselves by standing strong in our faith. By having the courage to choose good, reject evil, and stop judging others. When we do those things, we spread peace by reaching out to others and bringing God’s love into their world. Not by force, or who has the most money, or who can shout the loudest. But a peace that comes
from being Jesus to each other.
Deacon John